The following are planned additions and changes for version 1.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------- - VT100 cursor control and keyboard support. No graphics modes or any of the other things, just basic VT100 stuff. - SkyPix protocol support. - Super Kermit protocol (depends on how much weight it adds). - Global change function for the phonebook. - Possible keyboard control for phone directory. - Wildcard support and double-click action for file requester. - Dynamic action for file requester so that files are displayed and can be selected as they are pulled from the disk. - Possible keyboard control for file requester. - User definable file transfer buffer size. - Split screen for review and terminal displays. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I am also going to work on a seperate phone directory editor program. Its main purpose will be the ability to import entries from phonebooks in "The Final List"(tm) format. Some basic conditionals will be provided for area code, pc pursuit, starlink and baud rate selection will be included. A string match routine will also be part of the program. This editor will initially be included with the 1.0 package to registered users only.